Barely Art Gallery
Work by John Harris, Austin TX
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for art for your home and to help save the planet.
Price: US$5 billion
Acrylic on canvas
8 ft. X 6 ft, un-stretched
A two-panel art piece, plus a patron’s choice of 12 additional panels
“JUMP” is a diptych (a 2-panel painting), a one-of-a-kind artwork completed more than 40 years ago. These two panels tell a story of an exploding planet filled with the human spirit jumping through time and space to another livable world. The viewer is at a point in space where parallel lines cross, the viewer can see both sides of the exploding planet.
“Jump” was originally inspired by Adolph Gottlieb’s “Red over Black,” Gottlieb’s expression of the threat of nuclear war. We still live with the threat of nuclear war and total destruction of the planet to this day.
Barely Art Gallery’s mission is to raise the awareness of the urgency needed to solve the current global warming crisis by unclogging the earth’s water cycle.
I offer my artwork as a warning that global warming has the potential to destroy our planet or at least change the environment in ways humans and most other living things cannot adapt or survive.
Solving the global warming crisis seems like an impossible task. We humans have spent the last few centuries, especially the last eight decades making the planet warmer with our pollution, we have the technology to solve the global warming crisis if only we would, if we have the time. Barely Art Gallery’s mission is to raise awareness of the urgency needed to solve the current global warming crisis before the planet becomes unlivable or self destructs.
Q. Why is “JUMP” priced at $5 billion?
A. $5 billion is my initial cost estimate to organize the resources needed to remove the plastic, all other pollution, and remediating the dead zones from the Eastern Pacific Ocean in the next 2, less than 3 years which changes the weather worldwide by cooling the ocean currents flowing into El Nino and the Indian Ocean. The short timeline and clean-up efforts may take twice this amount of money. The clean-up of the Eastern Pacific Ocean will have the biggest impact towards ending the global warming crisis in the shortest period of time, the biggest bang for the bucks.
How? Start by removing plastic and all other pollution from the Northern and Southern Pacific Gyres where the plastic and other pollution collects, suppresses the evaporation of seawater, and becomes heat islands that continuously warms the ocean currents. An essential parallel effort is the aeration and remediation of the dead zones, which are located at the mouth of every river and harbor along the West coast of the Americas, from Alaska to Chili.
Why start here?
Our effort to remove these heat island in the Eastern Pacific Ocean cools the ocean currents flowing into El Nino and the Indian Ocean reduces the ocean’s heat that is fueling the extreme weather, cooling these ocean currents will change the weather worldwide.
Humanity’s activities over the past five centuries and longer have generated a continuous flow of pollution into the planet’s ocean and atmosphere. Our pollution is clogging the Earth’s radiator system, known as the Water Cycle is causing the planet to overheat. The essential removal of all pollution from the ocean allows more heat to vent out of the ocean, generates rain that washes greenhouse gases from the sky, allowing excess heat to vent out to space cooling the planet.
More importantly a cleaner cooler ocean allows more sunlight to penetrate the ocean depths providing fuel for Phytoplankton’s photosynthesis process. Phytoplankton is the largest, readily available Geoengineering tool that can significantly increase the Carbon sequestering capacity of the ocean. More phytoplankton also means more food for all other sea life, which means more sea food available to feed billions of people worldwide.
Greenhouse gases contribute to the global warming crisis by absorbing and reflecting heat from the ocean back to the planet’s surface, like a heavy blanket keeping the planet warm. Still, the more significant impact of the greenhouse gases, due to its larger molecules, comes from how slowly excess heat vents out to space contributes trapped heat to the global warming crisis.
Ending the current global warming crisis and preventing a reoccurrence by virtue of on-land recycling, retooling industries, in-situ industrial wastes and sewage treatment is essential to ensure a livable planet for human-kind and all living things for decades and centuries to come.
If we, the human collective, takes action today, we may have the time to solve the global warming crisis before the planet becomes unlivable or self-destructs.
The Western Pacific Ocean Asian countries contribute a significant amount of the plastic found in the Pacific Ocean. It is in their best interests to invest $100 billion and much more money to stop the flow of plastic and all other human created pollution from flowing into the world’s ocean. It is in their best interest to have a cleaner cooler ocean to reduce the extreme weather such as typhoons and tropical storms that are blown their way due to the rotation of the planet.
The rest of the world will needs to do the same: stop dumping their plastic and all other pollution from flowing into the ocean. Every smokestack worldwide needs to have an active filtering system installed in the next five years or less to significantly reduce the flow of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, to reduce the extreme weather and to reduce the potential of the face of this planet changing in ways humans and all living things will not be able to adapt to or survive. All these efforts over the next decade or less just might meet the 2 degree or less global temperature target.
There are several carbon capture technologies being developed, but we, the human collective and the planet does not have the two decades it will take to build several million of these high tech carbon capture facilities. Installing active filtering systems on all smokestacks is cost-effective and quicker, time is running out.
My current worldwide cost estimates of US$ 1-2 trillion to end the current global warming crisis provides the economic stimulation needed to recover from the current pandemic crisis.
The human collective needs to solve the global warming crisis in less than ten years; seven is even better, before the shape, face and environment of the planet changes irrevocably.
Each and everyone can contribute to solving the global warming crisis. You can change the future of this planet by what you decide to do next, or continue your life as it is today and hope that someone else will solve the global warming crisis. Wait for governments and industries to clean up your environment. Good luck with that. You can see how successful and serious they have been for the last fifty years.
It is hard for humans to realize that everyone who is alive and has lived over the past five centuries has contributed to the current global warming crisis. All of our demands for products, foods and fuels has driven our industries to harvest and plunder the resources of this planet to the current brink of self-destruction.
More information on what you can do today to save the planet and details on the methods and processes that are needed to solve the global warming crisis can be found by visiting:
What you decide to do next could change your future, the future of human-kind and the future of this planet. What are you going to do next?
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Great Puzzles
Some of John Harris’s artwork may be purchased as jigsaw puzzles. You choose the complexity of the puzzle by selecting the number of pieces in each picture, from 500 to 2000 pices.

Painted Boxes
Set of 6 or more, arrange to fit your mood, change your visual space. Every box has six unique sides. Custom orders choose preferred colors, abstract, geometric or pictorial patterns.